Business Aircraft Representation
Filling in the gaps, saving time, and getting it done!     
Let's start this out right!  Without God, I am nothing!  Because I have answered that call, there is nothing I can't do through Christ!  You want a man that blessings follow into your need, then I'll call on Him and step into your project or business bringing His wisdom and what He has built into me.

With age comes experience, but you can still be an idiot.  As we all do, we evaluate, try to change, advance, grow, and try to become that image we hold in our minds.  I’m always far from that vision, but I see the fruits of my labors that God built and have become proud of the work of my hands and mind that He put in me.  Pushing past what you think you are capable of and walking away as if you just ran a marathon; now realizing you have even more ability.  You can do it, it can be done, stop limiting yourself.  One thing I’ve carried with me – you work hard and you make your name stand for something.  Use to believe it was a curse having my work ethic as companies will only use you and abuse it.  But as I’ve grown and been able to put my hand in more opportunities and push through the hard of every circumstance, I have found it rewarding and enriching.  And as we all have to face right now, this is also a rare set of traits in the workforce, business, and even relationships.

So, in the sense that I use to limit myself to a few pages of advertising my aircraft inspection gifts, I now present this website as an opportunity to dive into multiple industries; and, a resume of tenured hands with working actual from the floor to boardroom knowledge, managerial envelopes, and balanced business-minded intentions which benefit the business.

I see the value of the great minds we employ and the development of processes which integrate and communicate throughout the operations of an industry.  And I find genius those entrepreneurs who have built these programs to coordinate a company.  But I’m always astounded at some of the principles lost and real value.  
For example, one of the many business changing models I had the unfortunate requirement to endure with a kung-fu rating system was highly upset when I called a vendor notifying them of a condition that was making their product and ours highly unreliable.  They were so glad to be made aware of it and let me know they could fix that easily and quickly. Problem found, problem revealed to source, problem solved.

Approximately a week later, a business kung-fu master came down and began to chew my hinder parts informing me that a team of various disciplines had spent the last six months and hundreds of thousands of dollars on this and that my one phone call to correct it destroyed everything they had been working on.  Just for context, they had no other intentions outside of what I had accomplished, so in my response that they had wasted all that time and money for something as simple as communicating to the source, I just received disdain and there was no concern for the company’s bottom line or resources, only for themselves and their kung-foolery program’s justification for existence.
These programs have a place along with the great minds who coordinate them, but how much of a company is wasted in the loss of direct vision, direct action, and dare I say – common sense.

My career has placed me in the direct one on one path of thousands of people, so I became an observer of people long ago.  How they view you, look at you, try to figure out how to play you, sometimes fear you, underestimate you, think they are too good to even look at you.   I find it all entertaining and am constantly amazed at who we are as people.  With that, and what I like to think I am as a person, I’ve learned how to move people, change the direction, provide them the reality of what is or going to happen.  It’s never that easy, people are people, and it’s a very rare gift.  But my success with people has been the reflecting knowledge that I am no better than them.  As they have a job, I have a job.  They have to answer as I have to answer.  I realize and let them know that some of them are probably way smarter than me.  I just let them know I’m going to help navigate all of the correct most prosperous solutions for both the company’s benefit and hopefully theirs.  And I let them know, as they have to do somethings they don’t like, I have to do as well.

My latest endeavor brought in a person of power who immediately had to let me know his credentials and greatness and proceeded to tell me who was going to be my worst people and what was going to destroy the business.  I let him exalt himself then ran my course.  Turns out the person who was supposed to be all our destruction became the greatest as he was now provided the resources and environment to produce his talents which turned out to be many.  But he had been categorized and locked into a box that would have brought about what this man prophesied had I not looked at the man and situation without regard to opinions.